Leadership Profile Report Template

Use this template as a guide. The teacher will assign each team a section. Hover over the Menu Tab ‘Leadership Profile Report Template’ to find your team page. Each team will be able to edit and customise their page. You can:

  • Add photos and text (You can use Canva to edit your images and make them unique).
  • We recommend that you keep the headings for each section.
  • Add new content, images, quotes, videos etc and use your Assignment Brief to help keep you on track.

About our team

See sample content below.

Student 1, Student 2 and Student 3 are part of Team (ENTER TEAM NAME HERE). We learned about different styles of leadership and how to recognise our own leadership qualities and how we can apply them to our work, our education and our lives in general.

As a team we each demonstrate different leadership qualities. For example:

Student 1 – Demonstrated leadership Quality with explanation of how you demonstrated or activated this quality throughout this assignment.
Student 2 – Showed Leadership Quality with explanation of how you showed or activated this quality throughout this assignment.
Student 3 – Activated Leadership Quality with explanation of how you activated or activated this quality throughout this assignment.

About Our Project

In this section your team will write about how the team decided on the leader for this assignment. How does this leader inspire the team. How did the team assign tasks and roles for this assignment. What team members are responsible for each task. Write about the teams project plan for this assignment.

The Leader Biography:

Tim Cook at APPLE Park
Image from MACRumors

You want to be the pebble in the pond that creates the ripple for change.


For this part, your team must write a biography of the leader detailing who they are and what they have achieved in the world. Who are they and what is their leadership style. You can use images, quotes, artefacts to bring this together. Make sure you research using reliable sources and that you acknowledge any sources used. Ensure that you avoid ‘copy and paste’ and that this is written in your own words. Approx. 500 words.

The Leader Evaluation

For this part, you need to use look at this leader’s decisions and their impact in their field (politics, sport, business etc.) Identify what things they did that sets them out as a leader.

You need to apply the learning from the leadership course book and your classes in your evaluation of the leader. Identify the leadership traits/style/qualities of this leader with examples and discuss. This evaluation will be helped by going back into the course book to make connections between the theories and the leader you have chosen. Write your evaluation and include any quotes/artefacts/examples that help explain your points. Ensure that you avoid ‘copy and paste’ and that this is written in your own words. (800-1000 words).

My Leadership Philosophy

For this part of the assessment, you will work individually to complete your own leadership philosophy. Remember to use the prompts from the Assignment Brief to help you get started with your leadership philosophy. Assign each team member to a block below. This is where you place your individual contributions to this assignment. This section can be written or you can create a video and upload in your section.


My Leadership Philosophy


My Leadership Philosophy


My Leadership Philosophy